Title: Silicon Valley School that doesn't compute
Synopsis: Waldorf Schools are a string of schools around the country that dismiss the idea that computers and technology are aids in helping kids learn in schools and instead the schools try to encourage kids to use hands-on learning instead to help learning progress, their are no computers in the classrooms at all.
Stakeholders: The kids who go to Waldorf schools and their families and people who are wondering if technology does or doesn't help kids learn better in school
Social and Ethical Issues: Everybody is using technology, it's a part of our daily lives including in schools and these schools are isolating kids from learning to use the technology that they will have to use once in the world and out of schools which might make it hard for them to adapt
Area of Impact: Education
Opinion on Issues: I think this isn't a very good method, kids should learn to use technology from a young age since our society is more or less centered around the use of it, everyone uses computers and smartphones for the most part, so why not have these kids learn also how they can be tools to help them learn?
Agree or Disagree with Waldorf School: I disagree, because like I said before, isolating these kids from technology might hinder them more than help them
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