Title: Amazon Rewrites the rules of Book publishing
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/17/technology/amazon-rewrites-the-rules-of-book-publishing.html?_r=1
Amazon is starting to publish books books on their own, they are publishing now122 different books in regular and e-book form. They hired people who have experience in that field to work for them, in short, amazon is becoming a all-in-one place for book buying, selling and publishing.
The stakeholders are authors and other publishing companies, authors now have a choice to publish with amazon and in short, cut out the middle man which was publishing companies. Publishers are scared because amazon is now going to try and take over the publishing business now also.
The area of impact affected is Business and Employment, because this is strictly for business. Amazon is doing this to make more money since if they publish their own books than they would be cutting out the middleman which was the publishing companies, it also affects employment because since they started a publishing section of amazon, they have to employ more people to work on that section of the company.
Future changes that might occur is that amazon will slowly start to do more and more so that they cut out middlemen for all sections of their company, maybe they'll start to publish music artists or produce movies.
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