Title of Article : Iphone 5 to be released October 4th
Link: http://www.woi-tv.com/story/15514498/apple-to-debut-iphone-5-on-october-4-report
Synopsis: Apple has finally unveiled the Iphone 5 and it's release date (October 4th)
Stakeholders: Apple Inc. and everybody whose been waiting for the release date so that they can purchase the Iphone 5
Not really any big ethical issues involved, but this is huge socially. Iphones are one of the most popular phones on the market in today's society, and with people having been waiting to get any information on the Iphone 5 for months now, this announcement is definitely a big deal.
Area of impact is Business and employment because this will generate a huge amount of money for Apple once the Iphone 5 goes on sale to the public, and it is also impacts Entertainment & Leisure because of what many people do with their Iphones, such as play games or go on facebook.
This affects me since I have a Iphone 3GS and I have been debating whether or not to upgrade to the Iphone 4, but now that I have seen this article I now have to decide and weigh the option if I want to wait another few weeks and spend a little extra money to purchase the Iphone 5.
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