Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homework Web 2.0

Name of Site -> Twitter
Link ->

- Twitter is considered Web 2.0 because it was created after 2003
- Estimated 250 Million users have Twitter accounts
- The social significance of this website is extreme, this site allows people to get updates on news and updates on Issues in the world, their friends or even celebrities who use it
- The main social or ethical issues affected probably are Privacy and security, since once you post something everyone can see it, and just like any other website it will be out in cyberspace forever
- The areas of impact that are affected by this site are unlimited, because of what it is, which is a newsfeed from whoever you choose to follow, it can affect any of the social areas of impact depending on whose is tweeting and what they are tweeting

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Computer Comparison Hardware Assignment

Assignment: Find a pre-built computer on a Company's website (Dell,Apple, etc.) and find the specs of it, than go to and buy the computer piece by piece to remake the same computer, but for cheaper.

Computer Built IMAC 21.5 INCH
CPU -> 2.5 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5  $200 CPU -> Identical one
RAM -> Kingston Value 4GB (Two 2GB)  $24 RAM -> 4GB (Two 2GB) 1333MHz DDR3
Graphics -> Radeon HD 6750 1GB DDR5 $248 Graphics -> AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB GDDR5
Hard Drive -> Seagate Momentus XT 500GB 0GB   $94 Hard Drive ->  500 GB
CD/DVD Burner Asus DRW DVD+ RW  $18 CD/DVD Burner Yes
Monitor -> Asus ML228H 21.5inch  $119 Monitor-> Apple Monitor 21.5 inch
Keyboard and Mouse -> HP Wireless elite $39 Keyboard and Mouse -> Apple Standard 
Total Price:  $742 Total Price: $1,199

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Warmup 9/21/11

Title of Article : Iphone 5 to be released October 4th
Synopsis: Apple has finally unveiled the Iphone 5 and it's release date (October 4th)
Stakeholders: Apple Inc. and everybody whose been waiting for the release date so that they can purchase the Iphone 5

Not really any big ethical issues involved, but this is huge socially. Iphones are one of the most popular phones on the market in today's society, and with people having been waiting to get any information on the Iphone 5 for months now, this announcement is definitely a big deal.

Area of impact is Business and employment because this will generate a huge amount of money for Apple once the Iphone 5 goes on sale to the public, and it is also impacts Entertainment & Leisure because of what many people do with their Iphones, such as play games or go on facebook.

This affects me since I have a Iphone 3GS and I have been debating whether or not to upgrade to the Iphone 4, but now that I have seen this article I now have to decide and weigh the option if I want to wait another few weeks and spend a little extra money to purchase the Iphone 5.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Warmup 9/13/11

Title: Judge forces employers to rehire workers who vented on facebook
Link to Article:

Synopsis: A Judge in New York has forced a Non-profit organization to rehire five employees who had been fired after posting complaints about the organization on their personal facebooks.

Employees who frequently social network probably have the most interest in this,  because there have been many employees over the past few years that have maybe lost their jobs or been reprimanded because of something that showed up on their facebook profile or any other social networking site they may use. So by these people not getting fired after complaining about their jobs through a post on facebook, it might make others feel better about not having too worry about everything you post on facebook being maybe a reason for you too lose your job.

When it comes to social or ethical issues on this matter, I feel like it is un-ethical for people to lose their jobs over something posted on facebook. People are hired because of their qualifications and their ability to perform a certain job, and if they are doing that job the way it is supposed to be done, something on their facebook shouldn't cause them too lose their job.

I think this effects two areas of impact - Business and Employment but also Art, Entertainment and Leisure. The reasons it affects both is because people are using facebook for entertainment and leisure, but if they post the wrong thing or the wrong person sees it, than that will affect their Business and employment, with the worst case scenario being that they lose their job.

Personally, I don't feel like it affects me yet. Since I am in school still and don't have a business career yet I can't relate exactly to the situation of having to use descretion when posting on facebook. But I think that it could be related to the situation if colleges were too decline me from their school because of a facebook post they saw.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Did You Know 4.0

  1. What 3 things surprise you?
  2. What questions come to your mind?
  3. What do you think the world will be like 5 years from now? 10? 20?
  4. What kind of effects do you think that this will have on people?

1: The 3 most surprising things In my opinion would have to be the facts about the amount of adults that have cell phone use, the small number of views that all the major news stations have compared to Youtube, Twitter and other social sites and the number of TVs that are in bathrooms.

2: Why were people getting information on the Iranian election through Twitter and not from real news sources like the evening news or newspapers?

3: In 5 years I don't think that much will change, technology will probably advance so that it is able to hold more information even while the devices that hold information keep getting smaller and smaller. In 20 years I think that most technology we use today will be considered ancient, everything will be green and as enviromentally friendly as possible. 

4: I think people will adapt to new technology as it advances,but I think the biggest effect on people will be the advances in medicine in the next 5, 10 and 20 years. There will always be new medications coming out that will be more effective and with less side effects that will help cure things like cancer or diseases that we cannot cure now. 

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